Welcome to Westside Counselling & Consulting

Welcome and thanks for visiting Westside Counselling and Consulting which has been in Vancouver, British Columbia since 1989.

You can find help here for personal, family, youth or work issues.

You can also learn more about training, workshops, lectures and Choice Theory. While there are only a few articles currently, more will be added weekly/monthly.

You may have noticed the word change on the banner.  When people are looking to connect with a counsellor, it is often about initiating a change or trying to cope better with an unexpected change.

You may be wondering how to make a change and It can seem daunting at times. But change is the result of some very specific actions that everyone can take. The elements of change are best described in the words of an unknown author who explains in simple terms how you can make lasting changes.

You can find these wise words in Articles under Change.

Over the years, Westside Counselling has been pleased to be playing a role along side all those who decided to seek help, then make the changes that were needed which resulted in more satisfying and emotionally healthy lives.